Aiko Announces Revolutionary Erotic AI infused NFTs to the Solana Blockchain

6 min readOct 1, 2021

Aiko’s “I’M AIKO’ NFTs set to be first Erotic AI NFT’s on Solana

What you need to know

  • Aiko is the 1st erotic NFT powered by AI on the Solana blockchain
  • Pre-sale will be on October 26th at 1pm UTC
  • The Aiko drop will be on October 26th at 3pm UTC
  • Mint price for Aiko will be at 3SOL
  • Wallet recommendation — Phantom wallet to store Solana and minted NFTs
  • New exclusive adult NFT marketplace coming soon

Japanese Anime — the form of art that took the world by storm since the early 1980s, now has a renewed purpose with the introduction of Non-fungible Tokens or NFTs.

Inspired by the anime characters, Aiko is the newest NFT set to dominate the NFT marketplace. A collection of 10,000 unique art pieces, Aiko resembles an NFT targeted at 18+ adults with unique distinctions, opening up an entirely new target market for the booming NFTs.

The anime-inspired Aiko will be debuting their first collection, “I’M AIKO,” in a unique manner, representing the liberal characteristics of the NFT. In doing so, Aiko will partner up with the Solana blockchain, making a massive statement on where they want to be in the NFT ecosystem.

The Rise of NFTs

NFTs are the buzzword these days on the internet. Everyone wants to own one of the digital art collectibles on the blockchain and be a part. And investors, new and old, have made their way to gathering collectibles in the marketplace at an aggressive rate than ever before.

An NFT is a unit of digital data stored in a Blockchain that certifies that the asset is unique and holds value.

NFTs can be anything from photos, videos, audio, or any other popular type of digital data. Because of Blockchain technology’s transparency, the uniqueness of the digital asset can be preserved and cannot be manipulated.

And this advantage has paved the way for opportunities that would’ve never been imagined a few years back.

The first half of 2021 alone set a record-breaking sales value of $2.5 billion, up from 13.7 million from that of 2020’s first half. Later, August 2021 became the biggest month ever for NFTs, with a whopping $3.25 billion in sales.

The hype and excitement have paved the way for several innovative and creative forms of NFTs, and one of the emerging marketplaces has become Solana.

Enter Solana NFTs

Solana, a decentralized cryptocurrency, is the newest blockchain that will be providing the opportunity to add NFTs. With the recent cryptocurrency growth in 2020, Solana was one token that took off.

While the year 2021 has had several fluctuations in the marketplace, Solana has continued to rise and, in September, reached an all-time high of $214.36.

The rise was a 13,200% hike from its initial price of $1.61 on January 2021.

With the rapid expansion, Solana has become the next big destination for NFTs as hundreds of creators turn towards Solana to explore opportunities.

In the first week of September, Solana saw its first-ever million-dollar NFT sale, a landmark achievement. The sale was for the Degen Ape #7225 from the Degenerate Ape Arcade NFT collection going for 5,980 SOL, which was approximately $1.1 million.

The ape was the 13th rarest collectible in the collection and the buyers of the ape NFT also collected the 18th rarest SolPunk — the Crypto Punk’s Solana-themed NFT.

Sol Punk was sold at $260,000.

With the rising sales, Aiko finds Solana to be the ideal destination for introducing its NFT collection.

Market Opportunity

“NFTs are now only limited by our imagination.”

Aiko draws inspiration from this and attempts to bring out a unique value through its NFT collection.

We’ve seen different forms of NFTs over time — memes, tweets, video clips but the erotic artists and the adult content creators have struggled to find a space in the mainstream NFT marketplaces.

Several restrictions are coming into place, and potential buyers have been unable to see their work.

Aiko will change it all!

Art is a form of expression, and suppressing this hints at restrictions of voice, and with the Solana blockchain, Aiko is bringing life to this forgotten avenue into the NFTs.


“I’M AIKO” is the first 10,000 unique NFTs of Aiko that will first go up on the Solana blockchain. Inspired by the Japanese anime characters, Aiko resembles a semi-realistic aesthetic.

Aiko is an AI-infused NFT that will interact with the user using an app and will be the first erotic AI-NFT project in Solana.

The “I’M AIKO” collection of 10,000 art pieces will be what each user would use to create a unique avatar.

To create the fantasy avatar you’ve always dreamt about, the creators are also releasing an Aiko Master app to interact with your Aiko.

In the 10,000 NFT, I’M AIKO drop; you will have several customizations — everything you will ever need to build and customize the avatar.

Each Aiko is made up of a single silhouette, hundreds of possibilities for costumes, hairstyles, tattoos, expressions, and moods — the possibilities are endless!

Here are a few of the unique items that Aiko will have-

  • Backgrounds
  • Facial hair additions
  • Face layer with eyes, nose, and the mood
  • Hairstyle & hair colors
  • Skin tone
  • Tattoos
  • Piercings
  • Clothing
  • Diadems
  • Accessories

Aiko is a revolutionary step that combines the use of AI and opens up avenues for individuals to bring in their fantasy world, all while collecting NFTs that hold value.

Each of the 10,000 NFTs has its own characteristics to create Aiko, and you can store all of the minted layers on the Aiko master app.

A Gateway to a new age of reality

If someone told you that you could customize and build a fantasy avatar and create an investment a few years ago, you would’ve laughed away.

But thanks to Aiko — all this is real, and the process is simplified.

By downloading the app, you will have your Aiko ready to interact with.

Just like that, while you explore your deepest fantasies, you build an investment portfolio of collectibles.

The different Aikos are stored in the wallet, and you now have the opportunity to retain this value.

Getting Started!

Thanks to the Solana blockchain, Aiko has been a space to express. The adult NFT marketplace has always had restrictions, but with Aiko — not anymore.

The foundation for Aiko is built, and the timeline is set for the I’M AIKO Collection to go live on Solana’s marketplaces. The creators of Aiko believe that their NFTs need to reach the people and be heard.

That’s why Aiko’s collections will be live across three marketplaces — My Marketplace,, Digital Eyes, and

A Complete Marketplace

Not stopping at the marketplaces, there are plans to attract this erotic audience into a completely new NFT Marketplace that will be exclusively for erotic art and adult fantasy art.

While Aiko becomes the first AI-infused erotic-NFT on the Solana blockchain, the creators want to create a complete platform where creators in a similar genre can list their NFTs freely without any barriers.

There is a massive following in this category worldwide. By creating a separate marketplace, Aiko hopes to provide these enthusiasts with a part of the digital collectible investor run.

While introducing this genre of NFTs to Aiko is a step in new territory, Aiko wants to take this move forward and create a complete marketplace for this.

When you thought NFTs had achieved everything they could, Aiko arrived. Aiko will be the first of a kind and bridge the gap between NFTs, the fantasy world, and Japanese Anime.

If the Degen Ape and the Sol Punk provided the headstart for Solana NFTs, Aiko would take this stride to heights that the blockchain would’ve never imagined.

If you want to know more about Aiko, check out the website or its Wiki page




I’M AIKO, a new concept of NFT based on artificial intelligence ❤